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Dear Friends:
As spring nears, many of our fellow Michigan families are still overwhelmed from the high utility bills of this cold winter. With COVID-19, we’ve been home a lot more and used a lot more energy. At THAW, our top priority is to get utility assistance to vulnerable residents and families throughout Michigan.
THAW has funds available to help people who have fallen behind on their utility bills. We have traditionally been able to help people in person at community assistance days (CADs) or in the THAW offices. Now with COVID restrictions, we must be more creative and proactive. A quick phone call to THAW can get the process started.
Those in need can call THAW at 1–800–866-THAW (8429), Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. — 5 p.m. and a Utility Assistance Center specialist can answer questions and guide clients in navigating this process. Visit the THAW website for more information at or email [email protected].
Please help us share this information with your friends and family. Now more than ever, we have to make sure that the most vulnerable amongst us have what they need to survive.
To qualify, for Michigan Energy Assistance Programs, families must first complete a State Emergency Relief form through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). To apply for State Emergency Relief clients should go to, . Once the family receives the SER decision notice, then they complete step 2, the THAW application.
As we work to meet the needs of struggling families, we know that there’s a big digital divide. Not everyone has access to a computer to complete the State Emergency Relief (SER) form. We’re here to assist with the completion of that critical form over the phone to make getting utility bill help easier.
With all the craziness in our world right now, overdue utility bills are a problem we can help people solve. Please help us help those in need. Thank you for being part of keeping Michigan families healthy, safe, and warm.
Saunteel Jenkins
Chief Executive Officer
The Heat and Warmth Fund
THAW Utility Relief Application - 2 minutes 3 seconds
THAW Keeps Michigan Families Healthy and Safe Year Round
The Heat and Warmth Fund’s mission is “stabilizing and empowering Michigan families, keeping them healthy, safe, and warm.” Even though most people think to call THAW’s 1–800 number during the critical months when they are at risk of living in cold, dark homes, THAW administers programs and services year-round.
Families are dealing with astronomically high utility bills while working remotely due to COVID-19. A single parent or resident recovering from COVID-19 burdened by a $2,000 energy bill; a teacher working in-person and virtually supporting students struggling to make ends meet; a front line worker working to keep Michigan safe while potentially being in harm’s way are just examples of experiences people are facing.
With the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, families need help now more than ever. The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW) has funds available to help vulnerable Michigan residents pay their utility bills by providing a “hand up.”
One of THAW’s biggest programs is the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP). MEAP provides direct bill payment assistance for heat and electricity for low-income.
Michigan residents. Families with incomes at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (see chart) are eligible to apply.

The family must have current residential service and complete a two-step process to qualify for MEAP funds.
1. Complete a State Emergency Relief (SER) application through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) at newmibridges. or visit your local MDHHS office. Once the family or resident receives the SER decision notice, they complete step 2, the THAW application.
2. Complete the THAW application at or call THAW’s Utility Assistance Center at 800–866–8429 to have an application mailed. THAW’s Utility Assistance Center specialists are available to support the completion of THAW’s assistance application and discuss affordable payment plans with those who qualify. The application can also be downloaded, printed, and mailed directly to THAW’s office.
In addition to MEAP, THAW is a partner for the COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) program.
Low-income households in Wayne County who have experienced rental hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic can apply for CERA assistance now. Utility assistance is also available for water, sewer, heat, and electricity.
For more information about the program, required documents for landlords and tenants, and additional eligibility details visit,
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) is administering this program for Michigan. Learn more at

Utility insecurity increases the likelihood of homelessness. Resources are available for Detroit residents at risk of homelessness through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). Clients must call the Coordinated Assessment Model line (CAM) at (313) 484–4449. Clients cannot apply for this program through THAW. Once they are assessed through CAM, it will be determined if they meet the criteria for utility relief assistance and be referred to THAW.
Whether or not clients qualify for MEAP, ESG and CERA, THAW administers additional programs that can be accessed depending on client’s situation. Call 800–866- 8429 for more information.
Those in need can call THAW at 1–800–866-THAW (8429), Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. — 5 p.m. and a Utility Assistance Center specialist can answer questions and guide clients in navigating this process. Visit the THAW website for more information at or email [email protected].
Please help us share this information with your friends and family. Now more than ever, we have to make sure that the most vulnerable amongst us have what they need to survive.
Please share this information with your friends, neighbors, and community. The risks of living in a home without utilities are profound. Please help us stabilize and empower Michigan families, keeping them healthy, safe, and warm.
For more information, visit THAW is here to keep Michigan residents healthy and safe beyond the critical and cold months.
THAW is grateful to donors who have donated funds to help Michigan families. Just as every donation to THAW counts towards making a difference in the lives of Michigan’s vulnerable, every “share” counts. Help is available even as Michigan begins to see warmer days.