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Each year THAW holds a variety of Fundraising Events designed to engage the community to come together and raise critically needed funds for our outstanding utility assistance programs. These events also provide excellent opportunities for personal and business networking. Event sponsors demonstrate their commitment to THAW, energy equity and community justice – causes valued by consumers.

THAW Annual Fundraising Events

Swing with Bling

Swing with Bling celebrates all those who support THAW’s mission and work tirelessly each year focused on THAW’s clients and needs.

Week of Warmth + Night of Warm Hearts

This event kicks off the Season of Need with a week of community outreach and a Gala to celebrate THAW and raise funds. This year’s Week of Warmth is October 28th – November 1st, 2024.

WDIV Gift of Warmth Telethon

The telethon and its sponsors present a day filled with client stories, matching opportunities, and the chance to have your name on TV! This year’s Telethon is on December 3rd, 2024

WWJ Winter Survival Radiothon

The Radiothon is a fun, festive atmosphere where listeners tune in to hear 13 hours of sponsors sharing their connections to THAW, clients expressing thanks, and donors giving generously to support our mission. The next Radiothon will take place on January 30th, 2025.