Third Party Fundraising
The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW) is very fortunate to have the generosity and support of individuals and organizations across Michigan. All events, large and small play a significant role in raising awareness and much-needed funds to help keep Michigan families healthy, safe and warm. If you are interested in organizing or hosting your own event to benefit THAW, please review our Guidelines and submit a completed Third Party Fundraising Event Form. We welcome requests from individuals, organizations and corporations to host benefits, special events, or donation drives on behalf of THAW.
We are happy to offer tips and guidance to help make your event a success. Please contact THAW’s Vice President of Development at 313.963.2681 if you have any further questions.
Fundraising ideas:
- Athletic Tournaments
- Pet or Car Washes
- Wine Tasting
- Auction
- Bake Sale
- Jeans Day (pay $10 to wear jeans to work)
- Concession stand at an athletic event
- Dunk Tank at a Festival
- Pampered Chef or 31 Party
- Garage Sale
- Gift wrapping for donations
- Chili Cook-off (entry fee donation)
- Bowling event
- Kickball tournament
- Golf tournaments
- Pet Shows
- Pie Auction
- Rummage Sale
- Scavenger Hunt
- Ice Cream Social
What is a Third-Party Event?
A Third Party Event may be hosted by an individual or an organization in support of The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW). These events are planned and run independently from involvement by THAW. Individuals or groups who plan to hold a Third Party Event for the benefit of the families THAW serves and plan to use THAW’s name or logo need to be approved by our office. To start the process, please fill out THAW’s Third Party Fundraising Event Form.
- Organizers are responsible for all costs associated with the Third Party Event
- No bank accounts in the name of The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW) can be set up
- All checks should be made out to The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)
- All donations should be sent to our office within 30 days of the event with the THAW Summary Report
- The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW) is unable to process credit card charges from your event
- Organizer is responsible for any license and/or insurance that may be required for your event
- All written or printed materials containing The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)’s logo must be submitted to THAW for approval before public use
- The percentage of the proceeds donated must be clearly stated on all promotions
- The Heat and Warmth Fund reserves the right to require a minimum donation of $1,500 for the use of our organizational logo. Fundraisers raising less than $1,500, should refer to THAW as the beneficiary.
- THAW will provide tax appropriate acknowledgment letters to all donors if provided with their correct mailing address and amount of donation. No tax deductions are available unless donations are made directly to THAW
- THAW may only be identified as the beneficiary of the event/ activity. For example, Your event should be called “Local Fun Run to benefit The Heat and Warmth Fund”
The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW)
ATTN: Development Director
535 Griswold Street, Suite 200
Detroit, MI 48226
If you have any further questions please contact THAW’s Vice President of Development at 313.348.3108 or [email protected].